Import Excel, CSV Files
- 2018-04-08 09:16:04
- Renee
- 6024
- Last edited by Taotao on 2020-10-26 13:31:14
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1. Import Excel
Importing Excel files is a feature in ZenTao Pro. You can import Story, Task, Bug, and Case, and you can add/edit it. You can export Excel files in ZenTao, and you choose from .xls and .xlsx. Here are two ways for you to export files in ZenTao:
- Go to Test->Case-> Export, and choose Export Template. Enter your data and save it in the template exported.
- Go to Test->Case-> Export, and choose Export Data. Edit/Add data to the file that is exported from ZenTao and save it.
Differences between Excel and CSV
- Excel has a better look than CSV, for it has style.
- Excel has a drop-down menu for fields like Module, Priority, and it is convenient for users to enter data.
- Required field is a must. Or it will be ignored.
Required field of Story by default: Name, Module
Required field of Task by default: Type, Name
Required field of Bug by default: Build, Title, Module
Required field of Case by default: Type, Title - Rules for entering case steps
When you enter Steps and Expectations, break the lin for each step. For example.
1. QA Step One 1. Expectation One
2. QA Step Two 2.
3. QA Step Three 3. Expectation Three
If there is no steps, no expectations. If one step has no expectation, leave it blank. In this way, ZenTao can get the steps and the corresponding expectations.
- Data format: y-m-d, e.g: 2014-03-01 and the cell format is “text”.
- Data that can be imported for editing
Story: Name, Module, Plan, Source, Priority, Estimates, Tags, Description, Acceptance
Task: Name, Module, Plan, Source, Priority, Type: Estimates, Start, Deadline, Description
Bug: Title, Module, Project, Story, Priority, Tags, Build, Retro Steps, Type/Severity, System/Browser
Case: Title, Module, Story, Priority, Type, Status, Frequency, Stage, Prerequisite, Steps, Expectations
If the template is used, all records are just added. If not,
- when a record has an ID, the record will be edited;
- when a record has no ID, the record will added as a new one.
2. Import CSV
Import CSV is a feature in ZenTao Open Source. Currently, it is to import cases and to add/edit it. You can export Excel files in ZenTao, and you choose from .xls and .xlsx. Here are two ways for you to export files in ZenTao:
- Go to Test->Case-> Export, and choose Export Template. Enter your data and save it in the template exported.
- Go to Test->Case-> Export, and choose Export Data. Edit/Add data to the file that is exported from ZenTao and save it.
- Rules for entering required fields.
#ID is required for required to add to data written in ZenTao, such as Module and Linked Stories, so it is to identify the field and read this record.
For fixed data in ZenTao, such as priority and case type which are set values, you can just choose from the dropdown.
- Rules for entering case steps
When you enter Steps and Expectations, break the line for each step. For example.
1. QA Step One 1. Expectation One
2. QA Step Two 2.
3. QA Step Three 3. Expectation Three
If there is no steps, no expectations. If one step has no expectation, leave it blank. In this way, ZenTao can get the steps and the corresponding expectations.
- Data that can be imported for editing include case title, module, related story, priority, case type, status, frequency, stage, prerequisite, expectation.
- Required field is a must, such as Case Type, Title. Or it will be ignored.
Choose the right encoding for your case file imported, or it might cause problems. If the template file is imported, all records are new. If a template is not used, a record has a number, this record has existed. Otherwise, it is a newly added one.
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