Title Author Reply
[Technical Support] what to do if administrator forgot password? Cherry 1
[Technical Support] Why is ZenTao not loading uploaded files sometimes? Archibald 3
[Technical Support] What is the level of bug severity in ZenTao? Prescott 1
[Technical Support] How to export data in Excel format? Calvin 1
[Technical Support] Why can’t I create a product that has the same name as the one I deleted? Christopher 1
[Technical Support] How to migrate data from ZenTao in Windows to ZenTao in Linux? Barnett 1
[Technical Support] Why Apache does not run with one-click installation package for Windows? Rodney 3
[Feedback] about the interface etc. Taotao 1
[Technical Support] How to find out what plug-ins installed in ZenTao? Griffith 1
[Technical Support] What is the difference between the story and the bug that is associated with version and release? Javier 3