COSCon'20 & Apache Roadshow 2020: Open Source for Good

2021-03-04 13:38:44

The China Open Source Conference 2020 (COSCon’20) will be hosted by Kaiyuanshe on October 24-25. SegmentFault is the strategic partner of the conference and will be streaming it exclusively. It will be online and offline in the five cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, and Changsha. The total number of conference venues will be 11, online and offline.

The theme of this year is Open Source for Good. Topics will cover education and public welfare, community and governance, society/economics/law/culture, female techmaker, artificial intelligence, cloud and microservices, data technology, open source hardware and operating systems, etc.

Apache China Roadshow 2020

The world’s largest open source foundation, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), has been conducting the Apache China Roadshow at the same time as the China Open Source Conference since 2015. This year, it has joined forces with the Kaiyuanshe again and invited Apache masters and celebrities at home and abroad to participate in sharing this wonderful topic!

In Apache roadshow 2020, Craig Russell, ASF director (former chairman) , will give the first keynote speech at the conference to kick off the event with Building Communities The Apache Way. Many other speeches will be in the two-day conference. The Apache project masters will share a variety of wonderful open source topics with you.

Keynote Speakers

The keynote speakers are big names from the community, including the founders of top communities at home and abroad, technical experts from major technology companies, and lecturers and scholars from universities.

  • Jono Bacon, author of The Art of Community Operation. If you are interested in open source community operation and governance, it is recommended to read! We are more honored to invite the author himself to appear at the conference to speak.
  • Erica Brescia, COO of GitHub, will bring you the latest development direction of the world's leading code hosting and collaboration platform and its development strategy in China.
  • Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, appeared to share the development trend of blockchain.
  • Ibrahim Haddad, Executive Director of the Linux Foundation AI Foundation and Vice President of Strategic Planning of the Linux Foundation, will bring you a report entitled "Accelerating Innovation in the AI Market" to share open source innovation in the field of artificial intelligence.

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