2019-10-14 01:49:13
How I can install SSL cert on my site?
Installation type: one-click Linux Port: 81 SSL from Let's Encrypt |
Troy Yang
Hi, 1st, You need to apply the cert of ssl either for free or paid, and you should download the cert and put it in apache or nginx root(according to the service you are running) for example, in apache root/cert/, if there arent any, mkdir one. 2nd, Edit the configuration file ofapache or nginx root(according to the service you are running), for example, in apache, make sure the following works, LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf 3rd, Config about the support of SSL cert 4th,Config the Documentroot and Servername about you site There are many documents from google, please check and hope you could figure it out. |
Last edited by Troy on 2019-10-22 18:03:46
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