How to manage a product?
2017-08-15 10:28:19
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How to manage a product?
Last edited by Max on 2017-09-15 13:20:19
2017-09-15 16:00:51
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In the previous two chapters, the simplest application of ZenTao has been introduced for DEV team and testing team. Product team can conduct basic task and track management with ZenTao can test team can conduct track management of bugs. If you are a product manager, you may ask whether you can use ZenTao as a requirement management took. The answer is of course yes.

In ZenTao’s system, complete requirement management process is provided, including creating requirement, changing requirement and assessing requirements, Now let’s see how requirement management can be conducted.

1. Create Products

To create Stories, products must be created first. This is the same with bug fixing as mentioned in the previous chapter. Go to Productand click Add Product.

2. Create Stories

Once a product is created, you can add stories. Go to Product->Story and click Create.

Then you can see the page to add details of the Story.

  • When creating stories, you can choose the source of stories, which means where the Story is from, such as from customers.
  • Three key elements of stories are title, description and acceptance. These three field are required.
  • You can specify fields like the priority of stories and estimated man hours.
  • You can also choose who will review the story when creating it. If a reviewer is set, the status of the Story will be draft. If check the box “No Review”, it will be Active.

3. Change Requirements

ZenTao provides professional process for changing stories. Modifications to Title, Description, Acceptance and attachments of Stories must be done according to the workflow of story change. Then the requirement status will be in change.

Choose the story you want to Change and you will the page below.

4. Review Stories

4.1 Click the "+" in History to view the detailes before and afterthe change.

4.2 Review stories and select review decisions. Click the Review on the page of the Story you want to review.

On review page, you can make review decisions which can be Pass, Clarify, and Reject.
