Create a Sprint
- 2015-09-11 13:27:29
- azalea
- 8171
- Last edited by philip on 2021-09-16 16:54:38
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Relations between products and projects in ZenTao are often asked. As clarified in Chapter 6.3 Zentao and Scrum, a project is what sprint is in ZenTao.
1. Create a Sprint
1.1 Go to Sprint and click Add Sprint. Note: You can always go to Admin->Custom->Concept to set either Project or Sprint you would like to see on the primary navigation bar.
1.2 The page of adding a project will pop out.
On this page, you can set project name, alias, start and end date, assigned team, and descriptions. You don't have to link it to a product.
- Project alias is an abbreviation that is known and understood by the teams. For example, ZenTao once used “open sesame" as the project alias.
- The name of your teams can be customized, e.g. ZenTao Development Team.
- When adding projects, you can choose products to link, so you can link stories later.
- The project has its own access control, including Default, Private or Whitelist.
- Go to Admin->Custom->Flow to choose among three ways to display, including Product-Project, Product-Sprint, and Project-Sprint. It is the display name that is different, and the workflows stay the same.
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I have a difficulty how to set status in project to closed. In database I can see closedDate parameter for projects. How I can set status "closed" to a project? I was able to set status "done" but it did not fill a parameter closedDate or closedBy.
Thanks for help!